Until I stumbled on Myra's PhD project
here, I called mine UFO's. I think I like PhD's it at least implies it closer to done than 'Unfinished' makes it sound, it's a little more optimistic.
Here are the 3 projects that are eating at me the most. The first is a quilt I started probably 7 years ago. An easy one, not sure why it's been so challenging to finish it up. My plan is to machine quilt the background and then apply the letters with bias. Should be a quicky, right???
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Project #1 |
Here's what it should like like finished |
Project #2:
A block of the month that I started probably 10 years ago...eeek! Until last year, I would pick this up every once in a LONG while and work on it. I think I'm on month #7, but all those poinsettia leaves kind of overwhelmed me and I haven't touched it in a year and a half. Every Christmas as I'm putting up decorations I always think..that Christmas quilt would sure look nice...I should really finish that.
Look how crumpled the pattern is. |
Project #3. I know specifically when I started this one and it will be the most challenging to finish, but it is the one I will learn the most from. It's another Marylou Weidman, from her book Every Day Angels. I took her class at Road to California in 1999. My husband and I were waiting to adopt a baby. The night before her class we were matched with birthparents and met them for the first time. Needless to say the last thing on my mind the following day was quilting! My every day angel quilt is going to be about my grandma. I was the first grandchild and the only girl, can you say "favorite?" My grandma was living at the time, but she's passed away 7 years ago. I think it's time I get this finished. I have the border pieces finished and thats IT! The green with the pearls on it is part of the dress she wore to my wedding in 1989. I miss my grandma so much! What a better way to honor her. Thank you Myra for getting my juices going again!
Grandma and Me 1990 |
borders, fabric for her hair and part of the dress she wore to my wedding. |
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